大塚マスジド 金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2014月2月28日)
―― 五つのことの前にある五つのことを生かしなさい ――










アッラーよ、仕事に成功を、そして安心と安全を御与え下さい。 アミィーン
In the name of Allah Most Gracious and Most Merciful
Translation of Khutba : Masjid Otsuka: Friday, February 28, 2014  
All praise is due to Allah, The Knower of the unseen, The Expeller of pain. He Who conceals defects. All Praise is due to Allah glorious be He and His great sovereignty and virtues. I testify that there is no deity except Allah, having no partners. I also bear witness that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.

I want you to imagine stepping out of a really tough exam. Your brain is fried from the hours of studying prior to the exam and all you think about is relaxing. You take a deep breath, exhale, and say “Alhumdulillah”.

Brothers and Sisters, my khutbah today will be about reflecting on moments such as these and taking advantage of the many blessings Allah has given us. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was blessed with jawaami’ ul kalim (the most concise, or precise, speech). Meaning he only had to say a little on order to convey a huge message. I will be analyzing just one saying of the Prophet (SAW) to demonstrate the ocean of wisdom our Messenger’s words carried. Ibn Abbas (R) reported that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said to a man while he was advising him:“Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.” (Musnad Imam Ahmed)

Let us venture into this hadith one advantage at a time.
#1: Take Advantage of Your Youth before Your Old Age
? -Youthfulness is a time when a person is the most energetic and willing to take on the challenges of life. Channel this enthusiasm to please Allah (SWT) through acts of worship, acquiring knowledge, being modest, respecting elders (especially parents), etc
? -The enthusiasm and energy that you have been blessed with will never again be given to you after this age. Therefore, Hasten to please your Lord!
? -After youth one loses this vitality and will not be able to achieve the things they once did due to physical/mental disabilities.? Allah (SWT) loves the youth who keeps himself busy with worship and is amazed at him because in general it is the youth who stray from the path of the worship of Allah (SWT).

#2: Take Advantage of Your Health, Before You Fall Sick.
? -Health is one of the greatest blessings Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon us. Ponder on how difficult life becomes when a person contracts a measly cold virus.
? -There will come a time when we WILL fall sick. Some of those times the sicknesses will be more severe, and for certain people even more severe.
? -Do not become disillusioned by the health Allah (SWT) has blessed you with. Rather, take advantage of it by (again) committing acts that please Allah (SWT) before it is taken away.
? -Ponder on the example of those who are blind, deaf, mentally disabled, etc. and thank Allah (SWT) for all he has given you. Make it a goal to at least complete the obligatory actions which require a healthy body such as salah five times a day, fasting in Ramadan, and going for the Hajj. Of course, the more that one does, the better it is for him.

#3: Take Advantage of Your Richness Before Poverty
? -Contemplate on the world situation today. Where beggars become millionaires and millionaires become beggars. One day we might not have anything, and the next we might have much more than we need.
? -Islam implores us to invest in the dunya (attaining good education, maintaining a job, providing for the family, etc) but not to become engrossed in it. Rather, one should be more worried about investing in the akhirah (hereafter).
? -Always remind yourself that the wealth we have attained is due to the will of Allah (SWT) and ponder over how true this is.

#4: Take Advantage of Your Free Time Before You Become Busy
? -Think about it. Think about how much free time all of us have been blessed with. What do we waste it on?
? -Ponder about how much free time we used to have and ask your elders how much free time they have.
? -How many of you wish you had more free time?
? -Spending time wisely does not necessarily mean purely religious deeds (Quran, salah, fasting, etc.) But spending your time wisely learning something that can benefit you in this world and that can benefit other people as well.

#5: Take Advantage of Your Life Before Your Death
? -This one phrase summarizes it all. We all have life. And we all WILL die.
? -A whole khutbah can be spent on just the concept of death.
? -Realize that death can come at anytime. When our time comes, there is nothing we can do. So take advantage of this life.
? -Death does not discriminate. The Prophet (SAW), his companions, and those who disbelieved all have passed.
? -Ponder on the example of those who die when they are young.

May the peace and the blessings of Allah (SWT) be upon prophet Muhammad (SAW), his family and all of his Companions. May Allah (SWT) be pleased with the Rightly Guided Caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, and all those who will follow them in righteousness until the Day of Judgment.

O Allah! Guide us to the right path and accept our worship.
O Allah! Accept all of our good deeds and forgive us for our sins.
O Allah! Please Bless us for our Dawah work here in Japan.
O Allah! Guide all of the people in Japan and all over the world to Islam.
O Allah! Give rizq in abundance to all of the Muslims in Japan.
O Allah! Give shifa to all those who are sick.
and O Allah! Grant safety and security to everyone here in Japan as well as all over the world.
Aamin ya Rabbil Aalamin.

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