大塚マスジド 金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2013月10月11日)
―― ズルヒッジャ月の最初の十日間を大切に ――


「言ってやるがいい。『信仰するわれのしもべたちよ、主を畏れなさい。現世において善行を行う者には、善い(報酬)がある。アッラーの大地は広いのである。よく耐え忍ぶ者は本当に限りない報酬を受ける。』」(39章 10節)

「暁において、」「10夜において、」「偶数と奇数において、」「去り行く夜において(誓う)。」「本当にこの中には、分別ある者への誓いがあるではないか。」(89章 1--5節)

信者たちよ、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、「生きている間中、善行を積み、アッラーからの恵みの贈り物を受け取りなさい。誠に、アッラーは、御望みのしもべたちに、恵みの贈り物を与えられる。」と述べられた。ズルヒッジャ月の9日には、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、断食斎戒なされるのが常であったから、多くの学者は、それを見習い断食斎戒することを奨励している。義務的な、ないし任意の信仰行為を多く行うことは、主に御近づきになる為の有効な手立てである。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、「アッラーが果たされた義務の信仰行為を行うことによってしもべは、アッラーを愛し、アッラーの御側に近づくのである。そして、そのしもべは、任意の善行を積むことで、アッラーの御側に近づき続け、愛されることだろう。」 ムスリムたる者は、ズルヒッジャ月の最初の十日間には、全能のアッラーに懺悔し、善行を沢山積むことで、自分の備えをしておくべきである。そのことで、自分の位階を高め、以前の過ちを取り除いて頂く手立てとなるだろう。有意義な行いには、聖クルアーンを読誦すること、両親や近親に親切にすること、喜捨すること、アッラーを思うことなどがある。
「それは自らの(現世と来世の)御利益に参加し、また定められた日の間、・・・」(22章 28節)

誠に、勝利する者は、アッラーが命じられることを確かに守り、その日アッラーに祈願した事柄に自分を委ねるものである。祈願の言葉には、三つのものがある。タハリール、タクビール、タフミドである。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、「ズルヒッジャ月の最初の十日間以上に大事な日は、アッラーにとってはないものであり、また、その日に行われる善行以上にアッラーにとって好ましいものもない。それ故、タハリール(ラーイラーハイッラッラー・アッラーの他に神は存在しない。)、タクビール (アッラーフアクバル・アッラーは偉大なり)、タフミド(アルハンドゥリッラー・アッラーを讃える)を沢山唱え祈願しなさい。」と述べておられる。また、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、「ラーイラーハイッラッラー ワフダフラーシャーリカラ ラフアルムルクワラフアルハムドゥ ワフワッラークッリシャヤインクヮディル(アッラーの他に神は存在せず、アッラーに共同者は存在しない。王権と賞賛はアッラーのものであり、その御力はあらゆるものに及んでいる。)を、日に百回唱える者は、十人の奴隷を解放する者に同じであり、百の善行を積んだと記録され、百の過ちが帳消しにされる。それを唱えた日には昼夜に亘って悪魔から護られる。」と述べられた。


「お前たち信仰する者よ、アッラーに従いなさい、また、使徒とお前たちの中の権能をもつ者に従いなさい。・・・」(4章 59節)

「誠、アッラーと天使たちは、聖預言者を祝福する。信仰する者たちよ、お前たちは、彼を祝福し、(最大の)敬意を払って挨拶しなさい。」(33章 56節)

アッラーよ、仕事に成功を、そして安心と安全を御与え下さい。 アーミィーン

Translation of Khutba (Friday, October 11 , 2013)
IIn the name of Allah Most Gracious and Most Merciful

Praise be to Allah. I bear witness there is no deity except Allah, having no partners. I also certify that Muhammad is the Servant of Allah and His Apostle. Allah has preferred him over many others and selected him to be His Messenger. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his family, his companions, and all those who will follow them in righteousness till the Day of Judgment.

O Servants of Allah, I call upon myself first and all of you to be ever conscious and do construct our lives as Allah commanded when He says in the Qur’an in Surah Azzumar:
“Say, ‘O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account.’” (S.39 V.10)

O Believers, out of His Mercy Allah has offered His servants many various avenues for doing good deeds and gaining benefits. For example, He has offered special days when we can increase our thanks and prayers in order to come closer to Him. They are such opportunities when reward gets doubled and status raised. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “There are no days in the sight of Allah better than the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijja.”
The Hadith refers to the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijja which Allah swore by them, for their high status.
Allah the sublime says in the Qur’an in Surah Al-Fajr:
“By the dawn ” “and [by] ten nights” “and [by] the even [number] and the odd” “and [by] the night when it passes, ” “is there [not] in [all] that an oath [sufficient] for one of perception?” (S.89 V.1--5)
Allah took the oath on these days to highlight their great merits marking a beneficial time for undertaking major acts of worship: prayers, fasting, Haj, charity, among many. Thus, our Leader Muhammad (SAW) advised us to take this opportunity to strive in good deeds. He said, “There is no virtue more to the liking of Allah in any day than in these days, that is, the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijja.” Said Ibn Jubair, a Hadith narrator, used to say, “Don't blow out your lamps during the last ten days,” that is, to observe the late night prayer on these blessed days.

Dear servants of Allah, our Prophet (SAW) said, “Do good (deeds) for your entire lifetime, and expose yourselves to the gifts of mercy by Allah, verily Allah has gifts of His mercy He sends upon who He wishes from upon His servants. ”
Fasting is recommended as mentioned in a Hadith telling that the Prophet (SAW) used to fast the ninth of Dhu al-Hijja. The same is confirmed by many scholars, who considered fasting as one of the favoured acts of worship on that day.
Performing both obligatory religious duties and voluntary ones is one more beneficial act in order to draw nearer to our Lord. In a Qudsi Hadith, our Prophet (SAW) said, “My servant does not draw near to Me with anything more loved to Me than the religious duties I have obligated upon him. And My servant continues to draw near to me with nafil (supererogatory) deeds until I Love him.” The Muslim should therefore ready himself for the first ten days of Dhu al Hijja by repenting again to Allah the Almighty and increasing good deeds, which will be a cause to raise him in rank and remove his misdeeds. Some of the beneficial acts also are reading the holy Quran, honouring one's parents and kinship, giving charity and remembering Allah. Allah the Almighty says in the Qur’an in Surah Al Haj:
“That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days,…” (S.22 V.28)
That is, the ten days of Dhu al-Hijja.

Truly the winners are those who never fail to adhere to what Allah has prescribed and commit themselves further to invoking their Lord during these days. There are three types of Dhikr that are recommended here: Tahlil, Takbir and Tahmid. These are mentioned by our Prophet (SAW) in the following Hadith: “There are no days greatest to Allah nor loved to perform good deeds than these ten days (first ten days of Dhu al-Hijja), so increase in invocations by Tahlil (Lai ilaha illa Allah- There is no God except Allah),Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) and Tahmid (Al Hamdu lillah ? Praising Him).” Tahlil is the recitation of La Ilaha Illa Allah (there is no deity except Allah). In this regard, the Prophet (SAW) said, “Whoever says ‘(La ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu la sharika lah, lahu almulku wa lahu alhamd, wa huwa ala kulli shayain qadir’ (there is no god but Allah, alone, without any partner. The Kingdom and praise belong to Him and He has power over everything) one hundred times a day, it is the same for him as freeing ten slaves. One hundred good actions are written for him and one hundred wrong actions are erased from him, and it is a protection from Shaytan for that day until the night. No-one does anything more excellent than what he does except someone who does more than that.” Subhana Allah wa al hamdu lilllah wa la illaha Illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar.

Dear Believers, our Guide Muhammad (SAW) taught us also how to remember Allah in the mornings and the evenings, whether we are healthy or ill, in our homes or outside and whatever we do. Increasing our invocation to Him is one of the means to obtain His forgiveness as is mentioned in the following Hadith: “If anyone eats food and then says: ‘Praise be to Allah Who has fed me with this food and provided me with it through no might and power on my part,’ he will be forgiven his former and later sins. If anyone puts on a garment and says: ‘Praise be to Allah Who has clothed me with this and provided me with it through no might and power on my part,’ he will be forgiven his former and later sins.” Bearing this in mind, let us always remember our Lord the most Exalted, and draw nearer to Him with the best of our deeds. Truly the most successful is he who is guided by Allah to obey Him.

May Allah help us obey Him and those He has ordained upon us to obey in compliance with His orders is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah Annisaa:
“O you who believe, Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger and those charged with authority among you.…” (S.4 V59)
I urge you and myself to be mindful of Allah whether in secret or in public and know that it is recommended for anyone who wants to offer a sacrifice during the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijja to follow the Prophet's instructions in this regard. He (SAW) said, “When the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijja begin, it is forbidden for the one who wants to offer a sacrifice to remove anything from his hair, nails or skin.” Scholars maintained that the interdictions mentioned in the Hadith can be seen as disliked things. Therefore there is nothing wrong if someone, who is offering a sacrifice, fails to observe the listed forbidden acts.

Dear Believers, bear in mind that you are asked to offer prayer and greetings upon our most noble Prophet (SAW) for Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Al Ahzab:
“Indeed, Allah and His angels sends blessing upon the Prophet. O you who have believed, ask [Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allah to grant him] peace.” (S.33 V.56)
On the same matter, the Prophet (SAW) said, “For everyone who invokes a blessing on me will receive ten blessings from Allah.” He also said, “Nothing turns back the Decree except supplication.” May the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad (SAW), his family and all his Companions. May Allah be pleased with the Rightly Guided Caliphs: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali, and all those who will follow them in righteousness till the Day of Judgment. O Allah, Who said with absolute truth, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” May Allah guide us to do good deeds on the blessed ten days of Dhu al-Hijja, bring us closer to You through acts of worship and raise our ranks.

O Allah, may we ask You to help us with what gets us closer to Paradise and furthers us from hell.
O Allah, we seek Your grace to admit us, our parents, whoever has done a favour to us and all Muslims to Your Paradise. O Allah, guide us to perform good work and give up misdeeds.
O Allah! Accept all of us Dawah worker in Japan
O Allah! Guide all the people in Japan and all over the world to Islam
O Allah! Give rizq in abundance to all Muslims in Japan
O Allah! Give shifa to those who are sick
O Allah! Grant safety and security in Japan and all over the world Aamin ya Rabbil Aalamin
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