大塚マスジド 金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2013月9月13日)
―― 時間を大切にしようではないか ―

「一微塵の重さでも、善を行った者はそれを見る。」(99章 7節)
「暁において、」「10夜において、」(89章 1--2節)
「朝(の輝き)において、」「静寂な夜において(誓う)。」(93章 1--2節)
「覆われた夜において、」「輝く昼において、」(92章 1--2節)
「私は、落日の夕映えによって誓う。」「夜と、それに帰り集うものにおいて、」(84章 16--17節)
「時間にかけて(誓う)。」(103章 1節)
「退こうとする、夜にかけて、」「また、輝こうとする、暁にかけて(誓う)。」(74章 33?34節)

「われは夜と昼の2つの印を設け、夜の印を暗くした。だが、昼の印は明るくして、お前たちに(働いて)主の恩恵を祈らせ、また、年数を知り、(暦を)計算させる。われは、凡てのことを詳細に説き明かした。」(17章 12節)
アッラーからの賜りものである時間を駆使した最良の投資について、預言者ムハムンマド(祝福と平安を)は、次のように述べておられる。「五つの事柄の前には五つの事柄が存在する。それは、老いる前の若さ、病気に罹る前の健康、貧乏に落ちる前の富裕、多忙になる前の時間の自由、死の前の生きているということ。」 我々の師ムハムンマド(祝福と平安を)は、教友たち(平安を)に、基本的なこれら五つの事柄を生かすようにと、次のように教えられた。「それらは、自分の役に立つように情熱を傾けるに値する事柄であるから、主に助けをお願いしなさい。その思いが弱いものであってはならない。」 それで、教友たち(平安を)は、ことある毎に、良い投資に努めた。それらは、人の道の模範となるものであった。教友たち(平安を)は、地上のあらゆる場所に、イスラームという明かりの種火をつけて回った。そうした教友たち(平安を)の努力の結果として、イスラームは広く遠くへと広まったのである。教友たち(平安を)は、実りのない事柄で時間を浪費することはなかった。預言者ムハムンマド(祝福と平安を)は、生産的でないことをするのは、無知の結果であると教友たち(平安を)に警鐘を鳴らし、次のように述べておられる。「人々が簡単に失い兼ねない二つの賜り物がある。それは、善行を行う為の健康と余裕のある時間とである。」 別の言い方をすれば、健康と時間の余裕は、善行を積むことが出来る良い機会であり、その機会を生かし利益を得ようとしない者は、完全な失敗者であるということである。

信者たちよ、人が、創造主の御心に従い自分の為に時間を使う事が出来るというのは、全能のアッラーからの恩恵である。各自が時間から利益を得ようとすることも、同様にアッラーからの恩恵である。新しい日が始まる時、その日の夜明けは次のように言うのである。「私は新たな一日である。今日のあなたの行いを見届ける。今日というこの日は、終末の日まであなたのところに戻ることはない。」 それ故、各自、自分の時間の価値に気付くべきであり、自分が処理出来る時間の範囲に留意すべきである。また、各自は、良い行い以外のことに時間を浪費するべきではない。信仰心篤い者は、良い行いの機会が少ないのではないかと気をもむものであり、その日に、良いことを成し遂げようと一生懸命になるものである。人生には三種類の日がある。昨日という日は、そこにあったものと共に過ぎ去ってしまう。明日という日は、その日のことを知るのは困難である。それに対して、今日という日は、全部自分のものであり、良いことに費やすことが出来る。イスラームでは、人々に時間を活用するように勧めているものの、有意義な娯楽に時間を費やすことに反対するものではない。ムスリムは、夜も昼も自分の時間をどう役立てるか自分で計画することは自由である。しかし、時間の割り振りや予定、仕事の時間を重視しなければならない。それで、自分と他人にとっての時間の価値を正しく認識するがよい。計画性なく時間を過ごそうとするのはよくない。同時に、自分と家族、そして来世の為に、何をするかを考えるべきである。それで、ムスリムに求められるものは、良い行いの為に十分な時間を確保することである。結局、成功するムスリムは、アッラーに御近づきになる為に、日々の時間を役立て、アッラーの御導きを獲得する者である。神からの恩恵に希望を抱き心を込めた行いにより、結果として、素晴らしい天国を授けられ、地獄での責め苦に遭わないように護られる 至高のアッラーに、自分たちの時間と生活に対して、祝福を御与え下さるように願おうではないか。

「・・・本当に礼拝には、信者に対し定められた時刻の掟がある。」(4章 103節)

アッラーよ、仕事に成功を、そして安心と安全を御与え下さい。 アミィーン

Translation of Khutba (Friday, September 13 , 2013)
In the name of Allah Most Gracious and Most Merciful

All due praise is to Allah, O Best of Guardians. I praise Him as is befitting to His Majesty and I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship except Him Alone, having no partners. He is the Sovereign, the Truth. I also certify that Muhammad is the servant of Allah and His Messenger. Allah has preferred him over many others and selected him to be His Messenger. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his family, his companions, and all those who will follow them in righteousness till the Day of Judgment.

Dear Muslims, time is a collection of instances and opportunities in the individual's life. It is his way to obtain Allah's reward and appreciation. Allah the Almighty and Glorious is He, says in the Qur’an in Surah Azzilzal:
“Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it!” (S.99 V.7)
Indeed, the value of every human being lies in all the good things he offers to the world from his birth to his death.
For the great importance of time, Allah the Most Exalted has sworn by it in more than a place in the Holy Quran. Allah the Almighty says in the Qur’an in Surah Al Fajr, Surah Adduha and Surah Al Layl:
“By the break of Day; ” “By the Nights twice five.” (S.89 V.1--2)
“By the Glorious Morning Light, ” “And by the Night when it is still.” (S.93 V.1--2)
“By the Night as it conceals (the light); ” “By the Day as it appears in glory.” (S.92 V.1--2)
Allah the Glorious is He, also says in the Qur’an in Surah Al Inshiqaq, Surah Al Asr and Surah Al Muddathir:
“So I do call to witness the ruddy glow of Sunset; ” “The Night and its Homing.” (S.84 V.16--17)
“By (the Token of) Time (through the ages).” (S.103 V.1)
“And by the Night as it retreateth, ” “And by the Dawn as it shineth forth.” (S.74 V.33--34)

O Servants of Allah! Time is truly one of the gracious blessings in our lives, if not the most gracious of all. Allah the Most Exalted says in the Qur’an in Surah Al Israa:
“We have made the Night and the Day as two (of Our) Signs: the Sign of the Night have We obscured, while the Sign of the Day We have made to enlighten you; that ye may seek bounty from your Lord, and that ye may know the number and count of the years: all things have We explained in detail.” (S.17 V.12)
For the best investment of the time, a favor from Allah, our Guide Muhammad (SAW) said, “Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth, before you become old; and your health, before you fall sick; and your richness, before you become poor; and your free time before you become busy; and your life, before your death.” Our Master Muhammad (SAW) educated his companions (May Allah be pleased with them) according to these principles as he used to tell them: “In all that is good be eager for what benefits you, seek help in God, and be not too weak to do so.” Thus, they invested well in time and were examples for humanity. They lit torches of light in all corners of the globe thanks to the good actions they performed and the beneficial knowledge they offered. As a result of their effort, Islam has spread far and wide. Our Prophet's companions (May Allah be pleased with them) wasted no time in fruitless pursuits. Being unproductive would be a pure ignorance which Muhammad (SAW) warned his companions of when he said, “There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) Health and free time for doing righteous deeds.” In other words, those individuals, who fail to benefit from the good health and the available time for doing good deeds, they are absolutely losers.

Dear Muslims, it is a blessing from Allah the Almighty that people could use time to help them obey their creator. It is equally a Divine favor that rightly invites individuals to benefit from it. Al Hassan Al Basri said, “No new day dawns upon us without saying: ‘O people I am a new day and I bear witness to your deeds. Once the sun sets, I shall never get back to you until the Day of Resurrection.’” People should therefore be aware of the value of their time and the limited amount of time they have in this world. They should not waste it but in doing good actions. That is why the pious worry less of what happened and focused more on what is coming. They are eager to take the opportunities of the day in achieving good things. Al Hassan Al Basri said, “Life is three days: yesterday has gone with all it had brought. Tomorrow is hard for you to know. But today is all yours and you can invest in (good) actions.”
Despite Islam urging people to take advantage of time, it does not, however, discourage beneficial recreation. A Muslim is free to set for himself a schedule on how to benefit from his time whether in the night or the day. Yet he should respect timings and appointments, working hours, appreciate the value of time for him and for others, and let no time pass without good management. At the same time, he should be reflective on what he has provided for himself, his family and the Hereafter. All what is needed of a Muslim in this regard is to take enough time for each activity. After all, a successful Muslim is he who has been granted Allah's guidance to benefit from the months, days and hours to draw closer to Allah the Almighty and Glorious is He, through acts of sincerity in the hope for Divine blessings to ensure him the grace of paradise and protect him from the curse of hell. We ask Allah the Most High to bless us in our time and lives.

Dear Muslims, please be aware that it is so important to take advantage of time in all stages of life. Time will either bear witness for you if you properly use it or against you if you abuse it. Those who waste time miss every opportunity to raise their level and better themselves. Ibn Masood (May Allah be pleased with him) said, “I have never regretted anything as much as when a day ends bringing my death nearer while I have failed to increase my good deeds.” Islam has called for profiting from time in life all along and highlighted this in observing Salat (prayer), being the most important religious duty. Allah the Most Gracious says in the Qur’an in Surah Annisaa:
“…For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times.” (S.4 V.103)
But taking advantage of time during youth is more worthy and far more beneficial because people at this stage of life tend to be more productive. On this, the pious Hafsa bin Sirin said, “O fellow youth engage in work for I can see the true value of work through you.” Yet to commit to work depends largely on a great respect for time. Truly, If you do not slay time with good actions and great achievements, it will slay you.

O Allah! Guide us to the right path and accept all our worships
O Allah! Accept all our good deeds and forgive our sins.
O Allah! Accept us for Your service and for the service of Islam and Muslims
O Allah! Accept all of us Dawah worker in Japan
O Allah! Guide all the people in Japan and all over the world to Islam
O Allah! Give rizq in abundance to all Muslims in Japan
O Allah! Give shifa to those who are sick
O Allah! Grant safety and security in Japan and all over the world Aamin ya Rabbil Aalamin
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