マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2012月4月27日)



「アッラーに仕えなさい。何ものをもその御方に並び置いてはならない。父母には親切を尽くし、近親にも…」(4章 36節)
「主は命じておられる。その御方(即ち、アッラー)以外の何ものをも崇拝してはならない。また、両親に孝行しなさい。…」(17章 23節)
「近親者に与えるべきものを、与えなさい。…」(17章 26節)
「…アッラーを畏れなさい。(その御方は)その御名においてお互いに頼み事をする御方であられる。また、近親の絆を(大事にしなさい)。誠、アッラーは、お前たちを絶えず見守られる。」(4章 1節)

「…『私にお前たちを押さえる力があったならば。さもなくば、力強い支えに頼る事が出来たならば。』」(11章 80節)
ここで言う「力強い支え」とは一族近親の中の力の強い者のことであり、一族の数が少なくて、邪悪な者を追い払ってくれるだけの頼りとなる強い者がいなかったと言うことである。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は次のように述べておられる。「ルートを御赦し下さいますように。実は、彼は強力な援助者、即ちアッラーの許に逃れ加護されたのではあるが、彼の目論見は、一族や近親を頼りにしようとしたと言うことで、それが十分ではなかったということである。」 一方、アッラーは、クルアーン・朝章においてムハムマド(祝福と平安を)を祝福し、次のように述べておられる。
「アッラーは、孤児であったあなたを見付けられ、庇護なされたではないか。」(93章 6節)

信者たちよ、家族と近親の絆を大切にし、病人を見舞い、貧しい人に親切にし、必要とする人の面倒を見、幼い者たちに愛情を注ぎ、孤児を後見し、人々に微笑みかけ、優しく話し掛け、親切でありなさい。そこにはこれで十分であると言う限度は無く、また、相手が関係を良くしようとしなくても、あなたの方で良い関係を保とうとするがよい。相手が無情でも、何らかの無礼があっても、あなたからは親切にして上げなさい。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、次のように述べておられる。「近親の絆をより良いものにしようとする者は、近親の誰かから返礼を期待する者ではない。近親の絆を本当に良くする者は、相手が絆を断ち切ろうとしても、絆を保とうと努める者である。」 近親ないし血縁の絆が不十分な箇所があって弱いものであっても、先ずはそれを寛大に見過ごすようでなければ、深く強いものには出来るものではない。それで、何事をもとやかく数えたてる者については、人の心を彼から遠のかせ、何事にも寛大である者については、人の心を彼に引き寄せるものである。


アッラーよ、仕事に成功を、そして安心と安全を御与え下さい。 アミィーン

Translation of Khutba (Friday April 27 2011)
All praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds Who guides whomever He wills to His straightforward path. May Allaah have peace, mercy and blessings on His slave and Messenger, Muhammad , his family and Companions.

Fear Allah! Fear Him the way the righteous people feared Him and have hope in Him the way the righteous people had hope in Him, so as to be guided on the straight path, and fulfill His rights that He has ordained upon you in Islam and be grateful to Him regarding the favors He has bestowed upon you. It is the will of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala in His Mercy and Wisdom and Decree that the structure of humanity be based on maintaining and keeping good relations with kinship on the basis of a family, from male and female, from one soul and with one nature. Strengthening the relationship between kinship and relatives could be compared to the development of a plant's trunk, it becoming stronger with the command of Allah, so it is preserved and protected from external influences.

In the Qur’an, the rights of Allah and the rights of parents and relatives are mentioned together in many verses. As Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah An-Nisa':
“Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him and do good to parents, relatives…” (S.4 V. 36)
And Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah Al-Isra’:
“And your Lord had decreed that you not worship except him and to parents, good treatment…” (S.17 V.23) “And give the relatives his rights…” (S.17 V.26)
In another position, Allah connected his rights with kinship or relations resulting from birth.
Allah says in the Qur’an in Surah An-Nisa':
“And fear Allah through whom you ask one another and the wombs, indeed Allah is ever over you an observer” (S.4 V.1)

When the tribe of the Prophet Lut (Alaihi Sallam) became less, he became weaker, he submitted an excuse by saying, which is adopted in the Qur’an in Surah Hud:
“…If only I had against you some power or could take refuge in a strong support.” (S.11 V.80)
For that our Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said in the Hadith found in the books of Imam Tirmidhi and Ahmad: “May Allah forgive Lut, indeed he was taken refuge in the strong support, meaning Allah, but he meant his tribes and relative and Allah did not send a Prophet after him, but had a lot of relatives.” Allah blessed Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) by saying in the Qur’an in Surah Adh-Dhuha:
“Did he not find you an orphan and gave you refuge?” (S.93 V.6)

In the Hadith found in the books of Imam Tirmithi, Ahmad and Al Haakim, it was reported that Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “Maintaining good relationship with kinship, increases love between the family and a means of increasing wealth and keeping good reputation and having more descendants .”

O Muslims! From the rights of your family and relatives, is that you visit those who are sick, be kind to the poor of them, look after their needs, be merciful to the young, sponsor the orphans, smile when you see them, speak to them gently and treat them kindly. The issue does not stop at this level, rather you have to keep relation with them even if they do not maintain relationship with you. Be kind to them even if they are harsh to you; be soft with them even if they say something insulting to you. Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “The person who perfectly maintains the ties of kinship is not the one who does it because he get recompense by his relative. But the one who truly maintains the bonds of kinship is the one who persist in doing so, even though others have severed the ties of kinship with him.” Relations with relatives and kinship could not be maintained and strengthened until one disregards, overlook and ignore small shortcommings. For he who counts everything pushes people away from him and he who overlooks brings their hearts closer to him.

Maintaining ties with kinship is the right of everyone who is related to you by way of marriage and the closer they are to you in relation, the worthier they are in maintaining the ties. As the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, when he was asked about the one that is most deserving of kind treatment, He (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said,: “Your mother, your mother, your mother then your father, then the closest then the closer.”

O Allah! Guide us to the straight path that leads to salvation and paradise.
O Allah! Give us an ability to follow the character, actions, statements and the legal ways of the prophet (s a w).
O Allah! Forgive all our sins
O Allah! Accept us for Your service and for the Service of Islam and Muslims
O Allah! Accept all of us Dawah worker in Japan
O Allah! Guide all the people in Japan and all over the world to Islam
O Allah! Give rizq in abundance to all Muslims in Japan
O Allah! Give shifa to those who are sick
O Allah! Grant safety and security in Japan and all over the world Aamin ya Rabbil Aalamin

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