マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2012月2月3日)
――模範とすべきもの その1――


「誠、アッラーの使徒には、お前たちにとっての立派な模範があった。アッラーと終末の日に期待を抱く者、アッラーを多く唱念する者にとっては。」(33章  21節)

「われはひとえに、万有への慈悲として、あなたを遣わしたのである。」(21章  107節)
イブン・ウメール師(平安を)は、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)が次のように述べたと伝えている。「私は、アッラーにより遣わされた、福音、慈悲、導きである。それ故、アッラーに従う者を高め、その他のアッラーに従わない者を低め、高慢の鼻をへし折ることとなる。」 この章節にある「アーラミーン」という言葉は、「アーラム」の複数形であり「万有」という意味であるが、その言葉には人間、動物、ジン、宇宙のあらゆるもの等々創造物の全てを含む。アッラーはそれら全てに、慈悲を行き渡らせられる。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、ご自分と、自身の宗教に対する手ごわい敵である不信仰者や偶像崇拝者に、どのように慈悲をもたらされたかを見てみようではないか。彼らは、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)と彼に従う人々に苦難を与え迫害した。その上、故郷の土地マッカから追い出すことまでしたのである。その後にも、彼らの迫害は続き、それらは少しも衰えることはなかった。教友の或る者たちは、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)に、彼らを罵り、彼らを打ち負かす為の祈願をするように期待したのである。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)が祈願すれば、アッラーは迫害する者たちに罰が下され、過ぎ去った時代に罰を受けた人々のように滅ぼされることになるだろうということである。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、自分は慈悲の為に遣わされたのであり、たとえ誰であろうとも、或る者を罵る為に遣わされたのではないと言われたということである。

信者たちよ、我々は、日々の生活にあって、人々との係わりにあって、事業において、家を守ること他あらゆる物事にあって、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)を模範とするべきものである。アスワド(平安を)は伝えている。「アイシャさま(平安を)に、『預言者さま(祝福と平安を)が普段家におられる時にはどうなさっていましたか。』と尋ねたら、彼女は、『預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、普段から家の用事に手を貸され、家の者の用事を助けられましたが、礼拝の時間になるとそうしたあらゆることを止められて、礼拝に出掛けられました。』と答えた。」 預言者さま(祝福と平安を)のこのような行いを手本とし、我々も行うことが出来るように、アッラーに御力添えをお願いしようではないか。人に役立つことをした結果の報酬が与えられ、傲慢その他の我々の心に巣食う病を御治し下さるように祈願しようではないか。

「お前たち信仰する者よ、アッラーに従い、また、使徒に従いなさい。お前たちの行いを無駄なものにさせてはならない。」(47章  33節)

アッラーよ、仕事に成功を、そして安心と安全を御与え下さい。 アミィーン

Translation of Khutba (Friday February 03 2012) (USWAH HASANAH (Role Model))

All praise is due to Almighty Allah (s w t), the Beneficent and the Merciful.  May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.

Allah said in the Quran in Surah Ahzaab:
“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in Almighty Allah and the last day and remember Allah much.” (S. 33 V.21)
USWAH HASANAH is a general word , it teaches us that Allah’s Messenger’s life is a role model for the Muslims to follow. The verse demands that the Muslims should take the holy prophet’s(s a w) life as a model for themselves in every affair of life and should mould their character and personality according to it.

For following the Messenger of Allah we must know the biography of the prophet (s a w).
Male or female, adult or child, scholar or commoner, businessman or laborer, all Muslims need to study the life of the Messenger of Allah. In fact the fulfillment of many of our Islamic duties hangs upon our knowledge of the prophet’s life. For example every Muslim should love the prophet (s a w) yet how can one love him without knowing him? Through the study of the life style (SEERAH) of the prophet (s a w) we are able to appreciate how the prophet(s a w) was an ideal husband, ideal father, ideal leader, ideal ruler, ideal educator, ideal judge, if one is educator of children at home or school, or of adults at a community level one learns how the best educator mankind has ever known raised a generation of true Muslims who went on to develop the most wonderful civilization that mankind has ever known. If one is a leader he can learn the true quality of leadership from the prophet (SEERAH) in terms of how the prophet was just, how he united the Muslims and how he constantly strove for the betterment of the Muslims nation and community. Not just the Muslim individual, but also the Muslim nation as a whole needs to benefit from the lessons that are available in the prophet (SEERAH). He (s a w) is a mercy for humanity.
Allah Almighty mentioned him(s a w) in the Quran in Surah Al-Ambiyaa :
“We have sent you not but as a mercy for beings ( AALAMEEN).” (S.21 V. 107)
Ibne Umer (Radiyallaho anho ) has reported that the holy prophet (s a w) said that, “ I am blessing, mercy, guidance sent by Allah so that I elevate, lift up the people who obey Allah and degrade, humble the other people who disobey Allah.” AALAMEEN is plural of AALAM which means world and includes all creatures humans, animals, plants, jinns etc. For all of them He was a mercy. Look how he (s a w) showed the mercy the disbelievers and the idolaters were staunch enemies of the prophet and his religion. They gave hard time and persecuted the prophet(s a w) and his followers and even expelled him and the companions from his and their native city MAKKA. Even after that their mischief continued unabated. Some of his companions requested the prophet (s a w) to curse and supplicate against them, so Allah may show His wrath and destroy the oppressor like He punished previous people. The prophet(s a w) pacified I have not been sent as one to curse and pray against anyone rather, I am sent as a mercy.

Respected brothers and sisters! We should make the prophet (s a w) as a role model in our daily lives, in our businesses, dealing with the people, in our household and so on. Aswad (Radiyallaho anho) narrated that, “ ‘I asked Aaisha (Radiyallaho anha) what the prophet(s a w) use to do when he was at home.’ ‘She said that, “He used to help in the house holed affairs and helped the house members in their work and when it was the time for SALA he gave up everything and went for prayer.’” May Allah inspire us to conduct ourselves on these (SUNNAH) so we will get reward for helping and serving others and we will heal and cure our spiritual disease like arrogance and the other disease. Naturally if a human being see someone is better than him he tries to imitate him. Therefore a chilled follow an adult, a weak follow the strong one, a student follow the teacher. But if an adult, a teacher, the strong one is an evil, so the followers will go astray and will obey the evil way. Therefore Allah Almighty ordered us to follow the righteous good person and forbade us to follow the evil bad people and the best of all is the Messenger of Allah.
Allah said in the Quran in Surah Mohammad:
“O you who believed! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger ( s a w) and render not vain your deeds.” (S. 47 V.33)

O Allah! Give us the ability to follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet(s a w).
O Allah! Forgive all our sins
O Allah! Accept us for Your service and for the Service of Islam and Muslims
O Allah! Give us strength of Iman
O Allah! Accept all of us Dawah worker in Japan
O Allah! Guide all the people in Japan and all over the world to Islam
O Allah! Give rizq in abundance to all Muslims in Japan
O Allah! Give shifa to those who are sick
O Allah! Grant safety and security in Japan and all over the world Aamin ya Rabbil Aalamin

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