マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2011年7月1日)




信者たちよ、病気見舞いについては、兄弟が力を損なっている時に傍に付いていてあげると言うことで、それは輝に満ちた良い行いである。サウバーンによれば、「預言者さまは次のように語られたと伝えられる。『ムスリムが病気のムスリムの兄弟を見舞うとき、彼は戻って来るまでは天国の果樹園にいるようなものだ。』」 また、アブー・フライラによれば、「アッラーの使徒が次のように語ったとして伝えている 。復活の日にアッラーは次のように言われるでしょう。『アーダムの息子よ、私が病気になったのにそなたはなぜ私を見舞わなかったのか?』と。そこで、『主よ、どうやって私はあなたを見舞えましょうか?あなたさまはこの万物世界の主であらせられるというのに。』と答えた。するとアッラーは次のように言われます。『そなたは私のしもべの誰其が病気であったことを知りながら彼を見舞いませんでしたね。その時、もし彼を見舞っていれば彼のもとで私を見付けたということを知りませんでしたか?』」 更に、次のハディースが伝えられている。「預言者さまは、病気を見舞った者には空から、『あなたの行いは立派であり、とても良い行いの為の歩みであるから、きっと天国を手にするでしょう。』と声が掛けられると述べられた。」

病人を見舞う時の良い作法として、預言者さま(祝福と平安を)がなされた様に、見舞った者は病人の頭の側に立ち、額ないし痛む箇所に手をかざし、「心配はいりません。病気はアッラーの御意志によるもので、あなたを浄化させようとしているのです。」と言うがよい。また、痛みが去って、病気が和らぐ様にする祈願について、ウスマーン・ビン・アブー・アース・サカフィーは伝えている。「預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、彼はアッラーのみ使いに痛みによる苦しみを訴えた。それは彼がイスラームに帰依して以来ずっと悩んでいたものであったが、アッラーのみ使いは彼に、『君の手を体の痛い部分に置き、先ず“ビスミッラー”と三回唱え、そして更に“私は私が知りかつ用心している禍からの救済を、アッラーとその御力に求めます。أعوذ بالله و قدرته من شر ما أجد و أحاذر、A'udhu billahi wa qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu wa uhadhiru ”と7回言いなさい。』と言われた。」  更に、病人を見舞う者は病人の為に祈願すべきものであり、次のハディースをイブン・アッバースが伝えている。「預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は言われた。『アッラーはきっとお治し下さいますから、重篤ではない病人の為に次の言葉を7回唱えなさい。 “私は、玉座に居られる偉大な主アッラーにあなたの病気を治癒下さる様に祈願します。” 』」 また、アーイシャさまは伝えている。「アッラーの御使いが病人の所に行くとその者の為に祈願され、『人々の主よ、不幸を追いやって下さい。病人を癒やして下さい。あなたこそが真実の治療者、あなたからの治療こそが真実であり完全なものです。』と言われました。」 加えて、病気の預言者さま(祝福と平安を)を天使ジブリールが見舞い言われたと伝えられています。「アッラーの御名において、全ての魂と、妬む者の目からあなたを傷つけるあらゆるものに対し、あなたの為に唱えようではないか。アッラーは御治し下されるであろう。あなたの為に唱えようではないか。」



「彼らは毎年、一度や二度試みられるのに気付かないのか。それで、彼らは悔悟ぜず、また、改心しないのか。」(9章 126節)




Translation of Khutba (Friday July 01, 2011)
(Visiting the sick)
All praise is due to Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his
family and companions.

O servants of Allah, Fear Allah. Remember Him and thank Him constantly; with His remembrance, the hearts find tranquility and with thanking Him your blessing are preserved for you. Perform righteous deeds because the best of provisions are righteous deeds.
The purity of the Deen and the beauty of the Shariah becomes clear, even clearer with good character and correct actions, which the Muslim practices with his brothers; both near and far. Concerning this :the messenger (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “The rights of one Muslim on another are six” it was said: What are they O messenger of Allah (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam)? He (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “When you meet him greet him, and when he invites you accept, and if he seeks your advice then give it. And when he sneezes and says al-hamdulillah then say yarhamak Allah, and when he is sick then visit him, and when he dies follow his funeral.” (Bukhaarie and Muslim)
In visiting the sick O brothers, good character shines through, - as are your brothers rights fulfilled when he is in a time of incapacity and inability to join his brothers. In visiting the sick there is joy for the heart and removal of loneliness, decrease of pain, and comfort for the sick and his family.
Narrated by Al-Imam Ahmad and Muslim from Thawbaan from the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) who said: “When the Muslim visits his sick brother he never ceases to be in a garden of paradise until he returns. It was said: what is its garden, he said: its fruits.” In the Hadith Qudsi Allah will say on the Day of Judgment: “O son of Adam I was sick and you did not visit Me. He will say: O Lord how can I visit You. You are the Lord of the worlds? He says: Did you not know that My servant so and so was sick yet you did not visit him? Did you not know that if you had visited him you would have found Me with him?” (Muslim)
In a Hadith of Abu Hurairah, the Messenger (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “whoever visited a sick person then, a caller calls from the skies: You have done well and your walk was good also, and you have earned a place in paradise” (At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)
From the etiquettes of visiting the sick is to stand at his head, placing your hand on his brow or on the place of pain, while saying:“No harm, by Allah’s will it is a purification for you” (Bukhaarie) The Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) used to do that. He also guided us to a supplication to seek refuge from the pain. Uthman ibn Abil-Aas Ath-thaqafi said: “I came to the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) and I had a severe pain which made me incapacitated so the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said to me: Place your right hand on it and say Bismillah, I seek refuge in the might of Allah and his power from the evil of what I find and what pains me, seven times so I did that and I was cured.” (Muslim)
It is preferable for the one visiting to make many supplications for the sick person. In this regard a Hadith narrated by Ibn Abbaas states that the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “Whoever visited a sick person who had not yet reached death and said seven times ‘I ask Allah the Great Lord of the Majestic throne to heal you’ except that Allah will cure him of that disease” (At-Tirmidhi)
He (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said: “O Allah Lord of Mankind, remove the harm, and cure him for you are the Curer, there is no cure except your cure, a cure which leaves no disease” (Bukhaarie)
Jibreel had visited the Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) in his sickness and said: “In the name of Allah I read upon you, for everything that harms you, from every soul and envious eye, and Allah will heal you, In the name of Allah I read upon you” (narrated by Muslim from the Hadith of Abu Masood)
From the etiquettes of visiting, that one should be aware of, is: that the visit should not be long, nor should one ask much of the sick person, nor speak too much, nor mention that which worries him or increases his pain, nor should he mention a friend he dislikes, or an enemy, nor should he speak of his family and children except with what is best, all of this to show kindness to him.
These diseases and sicknesses are expiations for the sins, and admonitions for the believers, who leave all evil after being ill. Not everyone who gets sick dies, and from this is the statement of Allah, in the Qur’an in Surat At-Tauba:
“And do they not see that they are test and afflicted in every year once or twice, then they neither repent nor take reminder” (S.9 V.126)
O Muslims, know that visiting the sick is a recommended act, even if the person is in a coma, because The Prophet(Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) and Abu Bakr visited Jaabir while he was in a coma. This type of visit is a form of giving hope to the family of the sick, plus the possible answering of your supplication.
What we should also mention here is that some people place burdens upon themselves by taking gifts to the sick. They might even bring things that are from the customs of other than the people of Islam - this is not from the etiquettes of visiting the sick, it is clear exaggeration, a burdening flattery, blind following, and it might influence those who have no means to maintain these customs to leave the legislated Islamic visit which Allah and his messenger (Salla Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) has ordered.

O Allah ! Give shifa (cure) to all those who are sick
O Allah ! Give Barakah and Halal Rizk in our business.
O Allah ! Give us Taufiq and strength to serve Islam and Muslims
O Allah ! May Grant us Halal Rizq and safety for Musmims in Japan and all over the world 
O Allah ! Accept us for spreading Islam in Japan and all over the world  Ya Rabbil Aalameen 
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