マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2010年7月30日)


「だが、主の御前に立つことを恐れた者、また、低劣な欲望に対し魂を抑制した者は、」「本当に楽園がその住まいであろう。」(79章 40--41節)
そこには誠に、困難な努力が伴う。それ故、魂を清める為に、信者は、献身的な心をもってアッラーの許に戻る様にと希求し、デゥア(祈願)をもってアッラーによる自分への救助を祈願する事が必要である。預言者さま(祝福と平安を)は、いつも次のように述べておられた。「アッラーよ、自分の中の欲望と言う悪魔からあなた様の許に逃れられるように祈願します。」 また、朝に夕に次のように述べておられた。「アッラーよ、天地の創造主、見えるものと見えないものをご存知の御方、主にしてあらゆるものの所有者、私はあなた様の外に神が無いことを証言します。自分に巣くう悪、悪魔、悪事から、あなた様の許へ逃れられるように祈願します。」

「魂と、それを釣り合い秩序付けた御方において、」「邪悪と信心について、それ(魂)に示唆した御方において(誓う)。」「誠、それ(魂)を清める者は成功し、」「それを汚す者は滅びる。」(91章 7--10節)
「だが、自ら清めた者は必ず栄える。」(87章 14節)

「更に、二つの道をその者たちに示した。」(90章 10節)
「…誠、アッラーは、人が自らを変えない限り、決して人々を変えられない。…」(13章 11節)
「アッラーは、平穏無事を楽しんでいた一つの町の喩えをあげられた。糧は四方から豊に供給されたが、アッラーの御恵みに対し、不信心であった為に、アッラーは、犯したことの報いとして、飢えと恐怖を味わわせられた。」(16章 112節)



Translation of Khutba (Friday July 30, 2010)

All praise be to Allah The Lord of the worlds and Peace and Blessings be upon his Trusted Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.

Dear Muslims, the teachings of Islam contain everything (good) for self righteousness, guidance for the mind, happiness for the individual, and prosperity for the community. And among the most important means for the purification of the soul (Nafs), we can mention: filling the heart with faith (Iman), refreshing it with remembrance of Allah (Zikr) and reading of the Holy Quran, seeking refuge to Allah SWT from Satan, fearing of Allah SWT, and not responding to the desires of the self (Nafs) which calls for disobedience.
Allah SWT says in the Quran in Surat An-Naziaat:
“But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires and lusts.””Verily, Paradise will be his abode .” (S.79 V.40--41)
It is in reality a difficult struggle. Therefore it is necessary for the believer, in order to purify his Soul (Nafs), to seek help (from Allah SWT) by returning to Him with a devoted heart (with Khushuaa), and sincere Duah to help him (purify himself). And it is reported that our Prophet SAAWS used to say "O Allah, we seek refuge unto You from the evils of ourselves (Nafs)", and he also used to say in the mornings and nights: "O Allah, the Creator of the skies and earth, the One who knows the unseen and seen, the Lord and Owner of everything, I bear witness that there is no god but You, I seek refuge unto You from the evil of myself, and from the Satan and its Shirk.”

The purification of the soul (Nafs) pushes away the feeling of trouble and stress from the life of the human being, and enlightens him the way, so that he may live in peace of mind and calm, rest and satisfaction. Once the human being makes himself accustomed with the noble ethics (Akhlaq), guided manners, good deeds and right sayings, Allah SWT will prepare for him a lovely and happy life to it (Nafs). Therefore fear Allah, O servants of Allah, and let everyone of us purify his soul (Nafs), so that it gets rid from the bad manners and customs, because if the soul (Nafs) remains on the same state of bad characters, the human being will only get problems and hardships.? Anyone who wants success reaches it by purifying his soul which is between his sides, therefore the purification and cleaning of the soul (Nafs) is the best way to to reach success.
Allah SWT says in the Quran in Surat Al-Shams and Surat Al-Aala:
“By Nafs (i.e. Adam or a person or a soul), and Him Who perfected him in proportion,””Then He showed him what is wrong for him and what is right for him.””Indeed he succeeds who purifies his ownself.””And indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself.” (S.91 V.7--10).
“Indeed whosoever purifies himself shall achieve success.” (S.87 V.14)
Hence there will be a great satisfaction for any body who purifies and cleans his soul (Nafs). Indeed the human Nafs is in need of purification and correction, so that it remains steadfast and choses the right path. This will make it (Nafs) like good and opt for rightousness. Allah SWT has created it and made it prone for reform or change. So sometimes its owner (i.e. the human being) upgrades it to a high level of Abrar (righteous people), and sometimes he leaves it without correction nor purification nor questioning so much so he takes it to the lowest levels of Ashrar (evil doers). Allah SWT says in the Quran in Surat Al-Balad:
“And shown him the two ways .” (S.90 V.10)
i.e. We have indicated both ways of right and evil to the human being. with what We have included in his Fitrah (i.e. the natural creation), with what we have sent Our Prophets and what We have revealed in our Books. So there will be nothing left for the human being except to chose: either the way of the righteous people (Abrar) or that of the wicked (Fujjar). And since the human Soul is prone to variation or change, Allah SWT will fulfill His decree and impose His will according to the change the human being had brought to himself, and this is what Allah SWT has meant in the Quran in Surat Al-Raad:
“…Verily Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state themselves. …” (S.13 V. 11)
And the facts do witness that (this verse) is the basis and the fundamental, because so many people whose conditions were bad and morals wicked, have brought changes to themselves then acquired the first places in the field of virtue (Fazilah), and also so many people who were healthy, enjoying their wide bounties in their life, but have changed and went astray from righteousness and guidance, so that Allah SWT changed their status to worst state as a compensation for their evil deeds.
Allah SWT says in the Quran in Surat Al-Nahl:
“And Allah puts forward the example of a township that dwelt secure and well-content: its provision coming to it in abundance from every corner, but its people denied the Favours of Allah (with ungratefulness), so Allah made it taste extreme of hunger and fear because of that evil which its people used to do.” (S.16 V. 112)

Dear Muslim brother in Japan, seek help from Allah SWT to purify yourself and compete to be the first for righteousness. May Allah SWT help us. Ameen.
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