マスジド大塚金曜日礼拝ホトバ 要約 (2010年10月22日)


「お前たちは、われが戯れにお前たちを創ったとでも考えたのか。また、お前たちは、われに帰されないと考えていたのか。」(23章 115節)

「人は全て死を味わう。われは試練の為に凶事と吉事でお前たちを試みる。そして、われに帰されるのである。」(21章 35節)

「誰でも皆死を味わうのである。だが復活の日にはお前たちは十分に報いられよう。業火から遠ざけられた者は、楽園に入れられ、確実に本望を成就する。この世の生活は、偽りの快楽に過ぎない。」(3章 185節)


「言ってやるがいい。『お前たちが逃れようとする死は、必ずお前たちを襲うのである。それから幽玄界と現象界を御存知の御方の許に送り返され、その御方はお前たちに自らの所行を告げ知らせる。』」(62章 8節)

「アッラーの御許しがなくして、誰も死ぬことは出来ない。…」(3章 145節)

「…誰も何処で死ぬかをしらない。誠、アッラーは全知にして凡てに通暁なされる御方。」(31章 34節)


「お前たちが何処にいても、たとえ堅牢な高楼に籠もっても、死は必ずやってくる。…」(4章 78節)

「そして実際に死の昏睡が訪れる。これはお前が避けてきたもの。」(50章 19節)

賢明な信者は、ここで言う昏睡の前に備えをしておく。「或る男が預言者さま(祝福と平安を)に、『アッラーの御使いよ、どうある信者が最良でしょうか。』と問うと、『品行において最良の者である。』と答えられた。更に、『どうある信者が最も賢明でしょうか。』と問うと、『死があるのを忘れない信者が最高であり、死後に備える信者が最善であって、そうする信者は賢明な信者である。』と答えられた。」 それで、信者に求められていることとは、死が来る前に死に備えていることであり、何時死が訪れてもよいように備えが出来ているということである。以下は、死に備えての簡潔な手引きである。不治の病気で苦しむ者がいるとすれば、その者に財産があるなら遺言書を作り、払うべきものがあるなら返済し、預かり物が有れば持ち主に返し、壊した人間関係があれば修復し、最も御赦し下さる、懺悔を受け入れて下されるアッラーに懺悔しなければならないということである。懺悔は、死の直前までなら、魂が喉元を過ぎる前ならば受け入れて頂ける。


「だが、死に臨むまで悪行を続け、その時になって、『今悔い改めます。』と言う者、また不信心のまま死ぬ者の悔悟は御赦しになられない。…」(4章 18節)



Translation of Khutba (Friday October 22, 2010)
(The death)

Bismillah-r-Rahman-r-RahimW All praises be to Allah, Lord and Sustainer of the worlds, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and upon his family and companions.

Allah Subhanahu-wa-Ta’alaa says in the Quran in Surat Mu-minun, Al-Anbiya and Al-Imraan:
“Did you think that We had created you without a purpose, and that you would not be brought back to Us? “ (S.23 V.115)
“Everyone is going to taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good. And to Us you will be returned..” (S.21 V.35)
“Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing).” (S.3 V.185)

Also Allaah Subhanahu-wa-Ta’alaa says in the Quran in Surat Al-Jumuah, Al-Imraan and Luqmaan:
“Say (to them): Verily, the death from which you flee will surely meet you, then you will be sent back to (Allâh), the All Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He will tell you what you used to do.” (S.62 V.8)
“And no person can ever die except by Allâh's Leave and at an appointed term.…” (S.3 V.145)
“…And no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allâh is All Knower, All Aware (of things).” (S.31 V.34)

In addition to Allaah Subhanahu-wa-Ta’alaa says in the Quran in Surat Nisaa and Qaaf:
“Wheresoever you may be, death will overtake you even if you are in fortresses built up strong and high!... “ (S.4 V.78)
“And the stupor of death will come in truth. This is what you have been avoiding!.” (S.50 V.19)
The one who is wise prepares before this stupor approaches. Ibn ‘Umar said: I was with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when a man from among the Ansaar came to him and greeted the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with salaam, then he said: “O Messenger of Allah, which of the believers is best?” He said: “The one who is best in attitude.” He said: “Which of the believers is most wise?” He said: “The one who remembers death the most, and is best prepared for what comes after it. Those are the wise.” (narrated Ibn Maajah 4259) Therefore what is required of a believer is that he prepares for death before it comes and be ready for it at any time. Part of this readiness is also to know what should be done at the time of dying and after death, avoiding all kind of innovations which have become prevalent among Muslims everywhere.

Following is a brief guideline as to what should be done at the time of death and afterwards. If a person is suffering from a terminal illness he should make a "Will" if he has wealth, return all his dues and trusts to their owners, make up with those he had broken ties of relation and repent for his sins for Allah is most forgiving and accepts repentance. Repentance is accepted until just before death and not when the soul reaches the throat as Allah says in the Quran in Surat Nisaa:
“And of no effect is the repentance of those who continue to do evil deeds until death faces one of them and he says: Now I repent.…” (S.4 V.18)

When a person is close to death it is recommended that he utters the Shahaadah making it as his last speech because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Prompt dying ones to say La ilaha il lallaah, whoever has his last speech to be La ilaha il lallaah will enter paradise regardless of what happens prior to that." (Narrated Muslim) However a dying person may not be able to communicate at the time and may utter something wrong in confusion therefore it is recommended in such a situation not to pressurise him to say anything rather other people around him should say the Shahaadah to encourage him or even show him something with the Shahaadah written on it.
A dying person should also be reminded of the mercy of Allah and to have good hope in Him.

O Allah ! Give us affluence with Your Grace. untill we don’t need favor from any one.
O Allah ! Guide us to the right path. Strengthen our Iman
O Allah ! Give shifa(cure) to all who are sick
O Allah ! Give Barakah and HalalRizk on our business.
O Allah ! Give us Taufiq and strength to serve Islam and Muslims
O Allah ! Provide Halal Rizq to all Muslims in Japan and all over the world
O Allah ! May Grant peace and safety for Musmims in Japan and all over the world 
O Allah ! Accept us for spreading Islam in Japan and all over the world  Ya Rabbil Aalameen
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